Panorama Centre For Surgical Oncology

Breast Cancer Surgery

Breast Cancer Surgery has changed significantly over the last 80-years. Previously, mastectomy was the only option to most women. Fortunately, times have changed and options have increased.

In our practice, we aim to offer the best options for each individual patient. This includes:
Breast conservation surgery, often incorporating plastic surgery techniques allowing the breast to retain a natural appearance. Most of the procedures are performed in a team approach with the oncology surgeon and the plastic surgeon working together.
If mastectomy is considered, the skin and nipple can be spared in most cases. Immediate reconstruction is offered to 98% of patients allowing patients to wake up after her surgery with a reconstructed breast.
Sentinel lymph node biopsy is also the standard of care to avoid unnecessary axillary lymph node dissection and the risk of lymph oedema of the arm.

For locally advanced tumors or recurrent tumors, not responding to systemic therapy, the use of tissue flaps allow us to remove large volumes of tissue with immediate tissue repair and avoiding skin grafts.

Thyroid Surgery

The thyroid is frequently to blame for many physical symptoms.  unfortunately many patents and doctors ignore nodules in the thyroid based on a normal thyroid blood test.  We therefore concentrate on both the functioning of the thyroid and the size and morphology of the thyroid.  

Hyperthyroidism can be managed with medication, Radio-active Iodine therapy and surgery.  Treatment is selected on an individual basis and our aim is to have patients with normal thyroid functions and good symptom control.

Thyroid nodules are frequently picked up during routine medical examinations and appropriate management is important to avoid unnecessary surgery while selecting patients at risk of cancer.  Surgery is considered if there is a suspicion of malignancy, the nodule is causing pressure symptoms or enlarging into the chest.  Fine needle aspiration cytology is the initial investigation of choice and is easily performed in the office.  This allows us to select patients where surgery can be avoided. 


In cases of thyroid cancer, appropriate surgery is important to achieve the best chance of cure as additional options like radiation of chemotherapy does not compensate for poor surgical control.  During removal of the thyroid, there is a risk of vocal chord paralysis and removal of the parathyroid glands, resulting in low calcium levels.  Dr Myburgh receives patients with advanced tumors from all over Southern Africa and is experience in extended resections and lymph node dissections.

Oral Cavity cancer

Smoking, the use of alcohol and Human Papilloma Virus are the three most common causes of oral cavity cancer we see. Patients are managed in our Multi-disciplinary team with Dr Karen Lehmann (Otolaryngologist) and Dr Hanlie du Toit (Radiation Oncologist) These cancers requires extensive resection. Our team is experienced in Laser resection and free flap reconstruction techniques, allowing patients to recover with good functional and cosmetic results.

parotid and salivary gland surgery

Smoking, the use of alcohol and Human Papilloma Virus are the three most common causes of oral cavity cancer we see. Patients are managed in our Multi-disciplinary team with Dr Karen Lehmann (Otolaryngologist) and Dr Hanlie du Toit (Radiation Oncologist) These cancers requires extensive resection. Our team is experienced in Laser resection and free flap reconstruction techniques, allowing patients to recover with good functional and cosmetic results.

Panorama Centre for Surgical Oncology