Integrated Cancer Care

Panorama Centre For Surgical Oncology

Talk to the right person

Lucinda Swanepoel

Manages the calender of Dr Myburgh and handles the appointments.

Charnilee Stander

Manages appointments and administrative tasks for Dr Chantelle Scott and Marlize Slabbert.

Marisa Fourie

Marisa helps Dr Langenhoven’s patients with medical aid submissions.

Erica Hanekom

Manages the calender of Dr Vos and handles the appointments.

Lynne Jacobs

Practice manager of Dr Gildenhuys.

Ruben Myburgh

Ruben Myburgh helps with online communications and communications with external partners.

Du Toit

Manages Dr Langenhoven’s calender and any communication with Dr Langenhoven.

Melisa Rossouw

Responsible for the arrangement and setting of appointments for the Lymphatic Therapy Centre.

Still Not certain?

Visit our offices or contact us on the details below.

Panorama Centre for Surgical Oncology