“Be a Health Hero, Join the Pay It Forward Movement!"

Welcome to PACSO Pay It Forward, the heartwarming initiative that lets you be the light in someone else’s life! At PACSO, we believe that kindness and generosity can create ripples of joy, transforming lives one small act at a time. Let’s join hands and make a difference together!

What is PACSO pay it forward

PACSO Pay It Forward is not just a program; it’s a movement of love, compassion, and solidarity. It’s all about helping someone else who faces financial obstacles in accessing healthcare services. It’s about going above and beyond to ensure no one is left behind on their journey to getting back to health.
When you contribute to PACSO Pay It Forward, you’re not just covering medical expenses; you’re offering hope, healing, and a shoulder to lean on during tough times. Your kindness has the power to uplift spirits, soothe souls, and brighten lives.

Paying it forward is one such simple answer. Your act of kindness doesn’t just stop with the recipient. It starts a beautiful chain reaction, inspiring others to do good deeds as well. We believe that together, we can build a community where everyone feels supported and cared for.

Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.
"Dr Seuss"
You make a donation to PACSO pay it forward
We identify someone with no funding for a test or treatment.
PACSO pay it forward funds are used to assist in covering the cost

A Better way of saying "Thank You"

Our biggest gift is seeing our patients being well and we love the appreciation they show. If you are looking for a unique way to express gratitude to an exceptional PACSO team member, why not consider a Pay it forward voucher rather than a conventional gift.  Not only is it a wonderful gesture towards our pasionate team, but it also allows us to experience the satisfaction of seeing other people’s lives being touched by your gift.

How do you get involved?

Be a Giver

You can donate Big or Small. Just scan the QR code or click the DONATE button or ask a team member about swiping your card. Every small contribution adds up to create a big impact. 

No amount is too small – it’s the thought that counts!

Spread the Word:

Share the PACSO Pay It Forward mission with your friends, family, and coworkers. Together, we can make this initiative a resounding success!

Smile & Inspire:

Your positivity and enthusiasm are contagious. So, let your smile be the spark that ignites a revolution of kindness!

Be a Pay It Forward person today and let's create a world where healthcare is accessible to all andwhere kindness thrives!

What do we assist patients with?

  • Genetic testing
  • Pain medication while we wait for treatment authorization
  • Co-payments for cancer treatment not fully covered by medical aid schemes
  • Laboratory tests needed to make important treatment decisions
  • Pressure garments for lymphoedema

During 2023, we have been able to pay for genetic testing in more 15 patients. That is not only an impact in 15 people but in the lives of their family members as well.

Chantelle Scot

Genetic Counsellor